Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day One

Day One, back on track. After getting an abnormally high fasting blood glucose reading last year while goofing off with the glucometer with some nursing classmates on our last day of clinical I decided to try going vegan. I had just watched Forks Over Knives and something clicked. It made sense based on my understanding of the human anatomy and physiology that I was required to become proficient in as a requirement for nursing school.  I did pretty well for a few months. I lost 15 pounds effortlessly that I had been trying to get rid of for years. I had been scared that I would have no energy but it was quite the opposite. I even stopped drinking coffee which is quite an achievement living in Seattle. As it got closer to my wedding and family was visiting it became more difficult to stick with the vegan diet. By the time we left for the honeymoon I was back to my old ways, promising myself that once I got back I was getting back on track. We all know how this plays out. I made mild efforts to eat vegan for months and then it happened, Thanksgiving! What a glorious way to slap the vegan right out of me with Christmas almost in sight.  I relished in my defeat eating all those edible comfort items I had so dearly missed.  My indigestion and waistline were a constant reminder that this was not the right way to feed my body but the pleasure centers in my brain were overriding any rational though.  It has been like this until today, Day One, where I return to making lifestyle choices not for immediate pleasure, but for the health of my body for the rest of my life. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to read your food adventures, and I love youuu!!!
